Interior Design -Simple Desain Minimalis Pantry

Panty Structuring the kitchen area and pantry are placed close together, will facilitate the circulation in the preparation and presentation of food. How to design? Talk of a space is to talk about a function. Just as a kitchen that serves as a cooking activity, which process raw materials finished goods cooked. What does the start of the repair (preparation), cook until clear. All of this circuit must exist and be important elements that are interconnected with one another even though its location can be adjusted to taste. According to interior design graduate of Bandung Institute of Technology Department of Design, Mohammad Husni Saleh, in laying out the kitchen, good clean kitchen (pantry) and dirty kitchen that must consist of elements that can not be separated. 

"For the preparation that needs to be noted that there needs to be a storage (warehouse) to store vegetables, side dishes, and fruits are placed in the fridge (refrigerator). From the refrigerator all cooking supplies taken, washed, so there should be a place to wash is in the sink (the sink). And lastly there should be a place to cook and stuff hanging in the closet (where the dishes, pots), "said owner Home Page Aesthetics engaged in home furnishing it. With more modern designs, usually equipped kitchen gas stove and cooker hood. To eliminate the odor and smoke in the area, preferably using air suction system (exhaust fan). "Even laying some hanging pots and exposed to form the aesthetic of this space," he said. 

However, in terms of structuring a space, not always where the dirty kitchen or cooking area must be separate from the pantry (kitchen cleaner). In fact, cooking activities and cooking together in one room activities frequently produce an attractive design. Kitchen pantry that are attached to facilitate the presentation of food. 

However, to distinguish the two functions of the space, to the height of the room or play split-levels or with an imaginary separation wall color (not real). It can also be used with a variety of furniture, but still see from their respective functions. In this area must also be considered circulation (air way) with its own convenience, so that by optimizing the lighting using the open space of the window or door. To be more secure and while cooking can monitor the environment, usually to the position of this space must be located in front of the carport area.
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