Tips For Choosing Ceramic Look More Attractive To Home

Ceramics is one of the element that have a major influence on the design of a house and it affects the beauty and comfort of a home or commercial building. Selection of the type, pattern and color of ceramic the right can give the impression of space to be comfortable, the room it felt more spacious, bright and beautiful.But on the contrary, if one choose ceramics, house or building can be unattractive. In choosing tiles for floors or walls should be harmonized with the interior design and type of furniture / furniture to be used.

The types of ceramics in the market so are manifold, because so many types, motifs, colors and sizes of tiles, we do not get confused or wrong choice. If at the time of our choosing have confused and hesitant, it's good selection of delayed 1-2 days for us to think more freely. Do not rush a decision in the selection of ceramics, because the vote would prove fatal mistake of your comfort when the house was occupied. So it's good when housing construction was started about 2 months, you can start looking for the type, pattern and color tiles, you have enough time, so that more flexibility in determining the choice.

In the selection of ceramics must consider the motives of the Interior and furniture design that will be used, nor if there are plans installation of carpet tiles above it. Selecting ceramic design motifs necessary prudence, because if too dominant motive could interfere with the elegance of the room itself. Try to harmonize with the furniture and other items will put the room is.
For the ceramics in km / wc, should not use colors that are too dark, because each uses km / wc on the day should use a bright light so it will be wasteful of electricity.
If funds are limited, we recommend using imported ceramics (expensive) the room-room only. Restraint is the key to cost savings.
In the selection of tiles for the floor should also be considered in terms of security and ease of maintenance. Choose the ceramics that have a slightly rough surface for the rooms that got water (terrace, km / wc, balcony and laundry-drying), so as not slippery.Easy care in question is at the time of cleaning (the pill) easily lifted dirt and do not need to use special cleaning agents.
In the family room, you should use brightly colored ceramics, and has the rather smooth surface, because space is often visited, so any time is easy to clean dirty floor
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